《生命中不能承受之轻》(The Unbearable Lightness of Being),我很早就下到Kindle了,断断续续看了一些,至今还没看完。今晚,看了一集晓说,里面提到布拉格之春,进一步了解到有一部电影《布拉格的春天》(也叫情陷布拉格,布拉格之恋),喜悦地发现这部电影恰是根据小说《生命中不能承受之轻》(捷克裔法國作家米兰·昆德拉,1984)改编成的。
1. 摘抄
Tomas, I know I'm supposed to help you, but I can't. Instead of being your support, I'm your weight.
Life is very heavy to me, and it is so light to you. I can't bear this lightness, this freedom. I'm not strong enough.
In Prague, I only needed you for love. In Switzerland, I was dependent on you for everything.
What would happen if you abandoned me? I'm weak. I'm going back to the country of the weak. Good-bye.
2. 关于《生命中不能承受之轻》
关于《不能承受的生命之轻》的介绍,可以参考维基百科词条:生命中不能承受之轻,The Unbearable Lightness of Being,The Unbearable Lightness of Being (film))。
Fig.1 The Unbearable Lightness of Being Film Cover (source from here)
- 韩少功,从英文版翻译,1985年翻译,1987年出版
- 许钧,从法语版本翻译,2003重译,改名为《不能承受的生命之轻》
- 尉遲秀,从法语版本翻译成繁体中文,2004